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Top 30+ React Interview Questions and Answers

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Once you practice the right questions with a time based approach, you should be able to clear the interviews. Front-end technical interview problems are pretty straightforward and common. If you have been actively coding for at least 6 months, you will be familiar with most of the concepts that are asked about. The interviewer will ask you questions about your experience and skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. They’ll also likely ask you some framework specific questions about React, Angular, Vue, or whatever framework they use. A front-end technical interview is an opportunity for a potential employer to assess your skills and knowledge in web development.

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Posted: Thu, 07 Jul 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The VDOM is a programming concept, providing a critical part of the React architecture. Rather than interacting directly with the DOM, changes are instead first rendered to the VDOM—a lightweight representation of the target state of the DOM. React allows class names to be specified for a component, like class names are specified for a DOM element in HTML. Any actions defined within a componentDidMount() lifecycle hook are called only once when the component is first mounted. Using the hooks functionality in React it is possible to use state without using this, which simplifies component implementation and unit testing. Using an arrow function like this works because arrow functions do not have their own this context.

Is it possible to use react without JSX?

Class components are more complicated React components that allow developers to execute component lifecycle methods and manage a component’s state. React keeps a lightweight representation of the real DOM in the memory, and that is known as the virtual DOM. When the state of an object changes, the virtual DOM changes only that object in the real DOM, rather than updating all the objects. The following are some of the most frequently asked react interview questions. Once you’ve posted your job description, make a list of questions, and ask the same set to each candidate. The conversation will probably deviate but keeping your questions consistent makes it easier to compare candidates.

  • You can write code with simpler commands, and you don’t have to include symbols, which makes this language easier to write.
  • The candidate should be able to explain how portals work and their ideal use cases.
  • Understanding optimization techniques is important to keep your code fast and efficient.
  • It is available only for the component which imports it, and without your permission, it cannot be applied to any other Components.
  • Ask a mix of basic questions related to the job and those that help you assess soft skills like problem-solving and collaboration.
  • A likely follow-up to the previous question, still in the realm of managing data inside a component.

Because findDOMNode() prevents certain improvements in React in the future. There will be a warning message in the console if the key prop is not present on list items. You can use either if statements or ternary expressions which are available from JS to conditionally render expressions. Apart from these approaches, you can also embed any expressions in JSX by wrapping them in curly braces and then followed by JS logical operator &&. Basically it just provides syntactic sugar for the React.createElement() function, giving us expressiveness of JavaScript along with HTML like template syntax.

What is a State in React?

The first argument is any render-able React child, such as an element, string, or fragment. Portal is a recommended way to render children into a DOM node that exists outside the DOM hierarchy of the parent component. Fragments are a bit faster and use less memory by not creating an extra DOM node. This only has a real benefit on very large and deep trees.

It uses pure JavaScript functions that accept props and returns a React element. React is a JavaScript library with a declarative and component-based approach for building user interfaces. React has exploded in popularity because its simple and declarative API produces highly-performant applications — and that momentum only continues to grow. This reactProp name then becomes a property attached to React’s native props object which originally already exists on all components created using React library.

front end developer react js interview questions

Handling events are a common requirement when building applications. These events could be DOM events such as clicks or custom events that a component emits. A candidate should be able to explain how events work along with the various ways to listen to the emitted events.

What are the differences between Redux and MobX?

Creating any website comes with some give and take—it’s an iterative process that is constrained by budget, time, bugs, and resources, and it’s never truly done. That’s why hiring managers will ask any prospective front-end developer interview questions about their opinion about priorities when they’re building the front end. React, also known as React.js or ReactJS, is a front-end, open-source JavaScript library used to create user interfaces through the use of UI components. If you are a Java programmer, you can expect advanced ReactJS interview questions in your front-end engineer interview. Applications that are built on Flux have components that can simply be tested. By simply updating the store, developers are able to manage and test any react component.

It provides a way to access React DOM nodes or React elements and how to interact with it. It is used when we want to change the value of a child component, without making the use of props. This reactProp name becomes a property attached to React’s native props object, which already exists on all React library components. We can update the State of a component using this.setState() method. This method does not always replace the State immediately. It is a primary method which is used to update the user interface in response to event handlers and server responses.

You, as the candidate should explain the different approaches available and how to use them. 6.The stateless components cannot be reused.The stateful components can be reused. Props are an object which stores the value of attributes of a tag and work similar to the HTML attributes. It gives a way to pass data from the parent to the child components throughout the application. React is a declarative, efficient, flexible open source front-end JavaScript library developed by Facebook in 2011. It follows the component-based approach for building reusable UI components, especially for single page application.

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This file is used to give the options about TypeScript used for the Angular project. Content Security Policy is an HTTP header that allows operators to monitor and control where resources can be loaded onto their website. Using this header is one of Front-end Developer React job the best ways to prevent cross-site scripting vulnerabilities. Its main purpose is to put all of the assets, including Javascript, images, fonts, and CSS, in a dependency graph. Webpack gives control over how to treat different assets it encounters.

front end developer react js interview questions

Knowing which tools to use can be a huge productivity boost. This is a more advanced question that an interview might ask to understand the candidate’s ability to diagnose and optimize a React application. A JavaScript error in one part of the app shouldn’t break the entire app. Error boundary is React’s solution to this common problem. The candidate should be able to explain what an error boundary is and to use it to handle errors in your application.

But getting hired will require you to demonstrate your competency by answering a series of front-end developer interview questions. React is a front-end JavaScript library used by front-end developers to build user interfaces. Developers can use ReactJS as a base for developing single-page or mobile applications. Furthermore, React or ReactJS is open-source and free to use.

Why is switch keyword used in React Router v4?

Because the Model’s data can be mutated by any actor in the application, the risk of data pollution in complex UIs is greater than we’d like. With the Flux pattern complex UIs no longer suffer from cascading updates; any given React component will be able to reconstruct its state based on the data provided by the store. The flux pattern also enforces data integrity by restricting direct access to the shared data. Arc is a radically different remote job search platform where companies apply to you. We feature developers directly to tech companies and startups and help you land a remote job in 14 days.

front end developer react js interview questions

In ShouldComponentUpdate() method default value is true instead of false. So basically, we need to add a Router library to our app that allows creating multiple routes with each leading to us a unique view. React Router is a powerful routing library built on top of React, which helps in adding new screens and flows to the application. This keeps the URL in sync with data that’s being displayed on the web page. It maintains a standardized structure and behavior and is used for developing single page web applications. Software development has been affect by the development shortage.

What are Higher-Order Components?

All the applications are highly scalable and suffer no compatibility issues. React is a front-end JavaScript library that mainly follows the component-based approach for building user interface components for a single page application. It is also used for handling the view layer in both mobile and web apps.

The candidate should be able to explain the recommended approach when working with the state object and how to avoid the component from getting out of sync with the state. Stateless components (a flavor of “reusable” components) are nothing more than pure functions that render DOM-based solely on the properties provided to them. Because React is a small library focused on building UI components, it is necessarily different than a lot of other JavaScript frameworks. Similar to hiding and displaying an element, sometimes, we also need to conditionally apply styling to our element. Typically syles are applied via classes instead of directly setting it on the element.